While we've been testing for bugs over the last week, it's unlikely we've managed to squash them all yet. If you run into any issues while using these forums, please let us know here.
Helpful details to include when you make a bug report:
What device you're on
What browser or app you are using
When it occurred
Screenshots (if possible)
Thanks for your time!
Samsung S20 FE
Chrome browser
Occured on day of launching forums.
I was reading Nigel Piltz post about collecting sets. His avatar was the same as mine. Then i refreshed the page it was back to his own pic.
on Safari iPhone the scroll for image settings skips back so I can’t enter alt-text for pics. The slide features still worked as did the caption
Microsoft edge on samsung - appears clicking the "likes" isn't taking hold. Switching to PC (chrome) seems to then work for me.
Safari on Apple iPhone, display sort function needed a refresh to kick in and would only display white