Hey all, what is everyone using to display their minifigures? I am looking at options for a wall-mount display rather than shelving options. I recently placed an order from Wicked Brick (still pending!), however went to look again and it appears like their shipping has doubled in price! I can't really justify it when it is like $150 just for the shipping alone... so looking at alternatives or workarounds to get international shipping via a reseller or other options.
Have looked and a few others such as shoppopdisplays/brickshell but those ones look like similair internation shipping issues. Lastly, was looking at Brickfans (NZ based), whom resell via mightyape.... anyone used this brand?
I'm looking at tiered shelves that fit inside detolf cabinets but haven't found any I like yet (and the lure of new sets diverts funds away from display infrastructure)
I display my figures in cases i found on Temu. Cheap and simple.
What about this for $125 on ebay free postage with led lighting https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/285042463829?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0&ssspo=Z_ZW5amVQAC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=fWz-0_2xTyK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Good question, I don’t have my minifigures on display personally, I haven’t got the proper space I need to do it the way I want.
I am curious to know what the customer experiences are on MightyApe as it is a name I’m seeing more often online when it comes to buying LEGO.
I did see one collector went on Pick-a-Brick and bought dozens of plates and window pieces to build a display and showed it off on Instagram 🤣 Wasn’t bad but glass displays are superior in my opinion.