I’d be scared to mount any LEGO sets on my wall, I’d be paranoid about them falling off and smashing 🤣 If anything I need to look into display cases for my builds
I couldn't trust a wall mount either, let alone trust people not to bump into it 😅. I definitely prefer a display case, but I have had trouble finding a cheap option that's large enough to keep very wide and long sets. Ideally I need a case that can contain a large base plate.
Be better off depending how handy you are buying your own acrylic. That way you get to design how you want it. Cheaper option while giving you the same freedom Lego gives you.
Those display cases are nice, are they glass or acrylic?
I did see iton ebay
I’d be scared to mount any LEGO sets on my wall, I’d be paranoid about them falling off and smashing 🤣 If anything I need to look into display cases for my builds
Following as also interested. I have the exact same two.....