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LEGO Star Wars Star Destroyer Leaked

Images of a new LEGO Star Wars: Star Destroyer have leaked just minutes ago! The new set, number 75394, was previously believed to be a Death Star playset according to rumors.

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I got desperate and got a fake ucs imperial star destroyer and is crap. I had to glue most of the ship together.


Looks better than the copy i got from temu . I'll definitely will be buying the official lego set.


Sir W
Sir W
06 mai

Overall, very pleased with this Star Destroyer! Maybe the small size will keep the price more reasonable. The rumored figure count is way off and I have to laugh every time Darth Vader comes with an Imperial set. He literally must be making clones of himself and he likes to micro manage the heck out of his Empire! ;) Another Imperial bridge crew would have been better in his spot. I don't think the Kal fig is that impressive, but will be glad to own him to sell off on the market for those who love him.

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I super glued the temu version looks and feel more soild.


Ben C
Ben C
06 mai

Not going to lie, almost definitely getting this since I A) Don't have any Star Destroyers and B) want that Cal Kestis minifig so bad....

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