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Letter from the Director - 2nd of March, 2024

Writer: FraseFrase

Dear readers,

For those unfamiliar, I'm Frase, the director and founder of Brick News. This letter contains an update on the future of this website and company as a whole. I'll be breaking this letter into different segments, so feel free to skip ahead to what interests you.

Website Upgrades

We've begun work on some quality-of-life improvements to, including the following:

  • Swapped the colours of the Subscriber Club and Voting Lounge. It makes more sense to have our primary (and premium) club, the Subscriber Club, feature the Green Brick logo rather than the Voting Lounge. Likewise, our Voting Lounge is free for all site members to access, and we feel the White Brick logo is a better fit.

  • Going forward, our monthly draw terms and conditions pages will match the colour scheme of our other site pages. Previously, our terms and conditions were black text on a white background. However, a change was implemented today to have the terms and conditions in white text on a black background.

  • We have begun testing an update where exclusive news and leaks intended for subscribers will appear in the News tab alongside our free articles. This will reduce clutter and complications with posting news, leaks and rumours in the Subscriber Club.

  • A new feature will be implemented to allow subscribers to submit a form to request missing badges be added to their account. This will allow winners of grand prizes, runner-up prizes, build competition winners and other badge earners to have their badges manually added.

Upcoming Draws

We've just launched out March 2024 draw for the Lord of the Rings: Rivendell set, a beautiful set worth $800 Australian dollars. Following this month, we will have a LEGO Star Wars: UCS Venator draw kick off in April. After that, it's yet to be decided. We'll be posting a new poll in the Voting Lounge soon to work out what prizes our site members would like to see in the coming months.

What Happened to MyPerks?

The MyPerks form was removed several months ago for multiple reasons. Admittedly, the design of the form wasn't great and it was difficult to extract information relating to which themes were the most popular (which to us is crucial when deciding on prizes). We also stopped sending Brick News shirts due to limited supply and because we now ship prizes direct from retailers. Currently, we can't bundle the shirts in with most prizes.

I Want A Brick News Shirt, How Do I Get One?

We may host limited events or subscription bundles in the near future that will allow you to get your hands on a shirt. Our Brick News shirts are comfy and feature a cool, clean design (I'm probably biased, but everyone who has received one so far loves them).

Shipping these internationally unfortunately is quite expensive and not currently within our budget. With that being said, if you're a big fan of Brick News, you can email regarding private purchases of Brick News t-shirts in Medium, Large or Extra Large and we'll get back to you.

Free Competitions

We'll be hosting another free-to-enter Instagram competition very soon. This will feature a Clone Trooper & Battle Droid battle pack. The post isn't live yet, but will have the following requirements:

  • Be following the page.

  • Like the video.

  • Comment & tag two friends who you think will be interested in our Lord of the Rings: Rivendell draw.

Image Source:

Once you've completed the above steps, you're all set! We'll be randomly selecting one lucky commenter to win. Keep your eyes peeled for the post in the coming days!

Closing Off

That about wraps up our plans for the immediate future. Thanks again to those of you who have subscribed to Brick News, both in the past and currently - I really appreciate it, and it's what allows this website to host these competitions. I hope you have a great weekend.

Until next time,


Director, Brick News



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