Lord of the Rings fans, rejoice! Brick News can now confirm that the upcoming 10316 Rivendell set IS minifigure scale!
The set will feature plenty of minifigures, a white gazebo, and a large Elven structure with what appears to be the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring. There are loads of minifigures in the set, but it is covered in watermarks and the image is blurry. For legal reasons, Brick News has been advised not to post the image we have obtained.
When we get photos that can be shared, we'll send out an email to all users. But wait... there's another set that got leaked.

Artwork of Rivendell. The circled gazebo structure will be included as part of the upcoming set. Image: Ian Moore.
A 4000 piece Barad Dur has been leaked. Yes, the tower featuring Sauron's eye at the top was shown in a leaked survey from LEGO, asking users how much they would be willing to pay for each set shown. User JeanGreyForever shared details of the set, standing at 83cm in height. It is said to feature Frodo, Sam, various orcs and Sauron himself (yes, we'll finally get a Sauron minifigure!).

The Eye of Sauron. Source: New Line Cinema.
The Rivendell set is due to release March 1st, while Barad Dur is TBA and may not be in production at all yet. Keep an eye on the blog for further updates!