Hey everyone. My unusual entry for this cool contest is Terminator: Rise of the Lego Machines! I have been collecting enough parts from various themes such as City, Star Wars, and the Lego Movie to make the frightening Terminator future war come to life! The idea came to me to use the parking garage placed in a city setting as the ideal battle ground often seen in the movies and video games.
I challenged myself to add in many details such as damaged infrastructure, fire effects, skeletons, and destroyed vehicles. All important to selling a bleak human existence post Judgement Day. This whole build represents the most effects I have ever used in one go! 3rd party lighting kits, a fog machine, and a violet blue laser combined to give a scary atmosphere!
I really wanted to make a giant Skynet vehicle like the tracked tank, but did not have time. However, I built many T-800 models, 2 rather imposing T-600 machines, a Spider Bot (for fans of the Resistance video game), and a flesh covered T-800 infiltrator. For the human faction I included some young survivor kids, a gritty man with his dog, a fleeing survivor caught in the cross fire, and a Tech-Com squad who despite their best efforts to hold the line are vastly out numbered and outgunned. They will have to retreat to fight another day against Skynet!